The Environment Vital Info Subject Nr.10

By | January 10, 2015

When you take a look at all the 10 subjects you could easily come to the conclusion that the environment should be subject number 1 and not education and you are probable right. However looking at it from the perspective of a human being it all starts with education. This is how we come full circle with these 10 subjects.

There is no more important topic in education than the environment. Humanity needs to learn again how to live in an environment without utterly destroying it.

The 10 subjects are all of equal importance. It is just that the environment (nature) is what makes human life possible. By destroying nature to the degree we are now doing we are slowly killing ourselves. Humanity has got to a point of committing mass suicide by ruining vast areas of nature. This has got to stop. It can only be stopped and turned around through education.

It is not that we don’t know how to restore nature. We do know. At least a select few know what has to be done. Just because a few people know how we can restore nature doesn’t mean we all do.

It is the 7 billion people on this earth that need to be educated on how to deal with nature. This is so important that if we don’t do this nothing else matters. We have the communication means and the know how to do this. We just need to do it.

I would like you to look at the documentary below. It will tell you in crystal clear terms and images what I mean with vital information.

The importance of this documentary cannot be overstated. Understanding the information it contains is a matter of life and death, and not only for humans but for many other life forms as well.

Take a look!


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