Mind Control Vital Info Subject Nr. 9

By | January 7, 2015

This is my favorite subject. What is there to be liked about mind control, you might think. Mind control, as it is used, has a rather negative meaning.

Here the definition of mind control as stated in Wikipedia:

Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, menticide, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual “systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated”.
I want to expand the meaning of the expression “mind control” to what the words themselves point to.

Mind control = Controlling one’s mind or those of others.
This is a neutral definition, you could say. Controlling other peoples mind in a negative way would fall under this definition. But controlling someone’s mind in a positive way would also fall under this definition. Controlling someone’s mind can have a positive or negative effect or no effect at all.

In the broadest possible meaning mind control could be seen as influencing your own mind or those of others.

When we define mind control in this way it becomes a vast subject with many more ramifications. Now it truly can be seen as one of the 10 main elements that make up a civilization.
Here an examples:

A child runs in the direction of a cliff. Her mother screams at the top of her longs: “Katy, come back”. (positive mind control)

I think you get it. We all try to influence each other continuously. It is usually easier to control other people’s minds than it is to control our own mind.

Most people are utterly unable to stop thinking. They have no control over there thinking patterns. They think all day long and when they go to sleep their minds continues its activity in dreams. It is good that there is a dreamless state called the delta state where the body has a maximum capacity to recuperate physically.

Very often communication among people is a form of mind control. When we communicate we want something from who we communicate with. We want to be heard, recognized or understood. We want validation or appreciation. Basically we want to be admired and that’s the main reason for most communication.

The need for admiration is not always consciously felt. But it is usually unconsciously there in the background. It can act somewhat like a hidden agenda.

When the admiration doesn’t come we usually turn on bad emotions. We feel disappointed or not loved. To rise above these things we need to get control over our minds and that seems more easily sad than done.

Mind control is also used by political leaders to keep their followers on track. It all depends on the plans leaders have whether mind control is contributing toward a better world or the opposite.

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