Category Archives: Essence of life articles

My new E-book Unity Consciousness

Recently I added a new free e-book on my website. You find it under free e-books and it is named: Unity Consciousness. It gives you a rather unique slant on what consciousness or awareness is and what it consists of. Yes, it actually has three undeniable, component parts to it. Consciousness is what every guru… Read More »

Is it all an illusion?

In my article on vertical time I gave my view on existence. I consider existence to consist of at least 6 elements. I give them again in this article for you to ponder upon. Time, Space, Energy, Matter, Form and Event. That is what existence consists of to the best of my knowledge. I simply… Read More »

Vertical time, does it exist?

As if the word “time” isn’t causing enough confusion already we now have people who speak about vertical time opposed to horizontal time. Horizontal time is how we experience existence. It has a beginning, duration and an end. Vertical time is where all of existence happens in the same instant. Before I show you how… Read More »