“The World of Spirit and Spirits” now published!

By | November 16, 2023

In this post I want to introduce the visitors of my blog to the revised e-book: “The World of Spirit and Spirits”. If you read the previous version, I think it is worthwhile to read the revised one as I made significant changes that will give you an even deeper understanding of it.

I belief that, with this e-book, I have to some degree succeeded in bringing more logic into this so esoteric topic.

Ignorance is the ultimate cause of the downfall of humanity. In this e-book I have tried to explain in great detail how we humans have allowed to lower our awareness and how we can reverse this downward spiral.

I know there are many explanations for our downfall. Why could my view on this be of help? What is special in my philosophy of life is that I have worked out an awareness scale that shows precisely at which point we went off the rail.

If you know this you can do something about it. If you are ignorant of this you will continue to fall into the same trap over and over again as we humans have been doing for eons.

Feel free to comment on it as it might help me to come to new insides.

I hope you want to study this e-book and that you will gain some new insights from it.

Click on the link below to go to the free e-book:


2 thoughts on ““The World of Spirit and Spirits” now published!

  1. Wes Penre

    I have read your revised version, and it’s absolutely amazing, giving me new insights and inspiration. A must-read for all truth-seekers!


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