These ten subjects have been carefully isolated as having the potential to bring mankind to its knees when not properly dealt with. These subjects have a natural sequence. Having a better insight into the natural sequence of these subjects will help you to better understand the importance of them.
Because life begins with it and civilisations depend on it, education is the first subject. Education determines the quality of living. The purpose of education is to enable people to maintain or improve their quality of living. From all of the 10 subjects education is the most crucial one. Without effective education a civilization will continuously be confronted with all kinds of dangerous situations. There is no telling what might happen.
To understand how the subject of education fits into the sequence we must take this subject in its broadest possible meaning. We must take education in this context as the process of learning. We can divide the process of learning in two types of activities. You can learn in order to know or understand something or you can learn in order to acquire a skill. Both of these activities are needed for our next subject.
The next subject is exchange. In order to maintain or improve your quality of living you have to exchange. And what do we mean by exchange? We mean exactly what the word stands for. You give something in order to get something and you get something in order to give something. You work to get a salary and when you get your salary you buy things with it that you give to yourself and others. Exchange is a direct result of education. Without education proper exchange cannot occur. Without proper exchange we cannot maintain or improve the quality of living.
What is proper exchange? Exchange works on an exact principle. This principle consists of five main elements. The first element of exchange is confidence. You give something to someone because you trust him. You trust that he will give something back for what you gave him. The second element is agreement. You can make an agreement on what he will give you in return and when he will do that. Agreement then is always about balance and the balancing of an imbalance so the third element of exchange is imbalance. The fourth element of exchange is working towards balance. The one receiving will have to balance the imbalance. The fifth element therefore is balance. Balance is proper exchange.
The opposite of exchange is crime. When the principle of exchange is ignored we have crime. Crime begins were agreement on balancing the imbalance is broken. The only reason for the existence of crime is poor education. If education would be perfect there would be no crime. It simple would not exist. Nothing is perfect therefore education is not perfect and because education will never be perfect there always will be crime. So we can safely assume that to the degree we fail to educate we have crime.
Why does poor or no education causes crime? Without education you cannot give anything in return for what you got. Take a child that has just been born. It can only receive help. It can give almost nothing in return. Only by acquiring skills it will be able to return more and more things to parents and society. When a child acquires skills it has to learn that life consists of give and take. Unless children realize that they must strive for some kind of balance between give and take they will exchange in a criminal way. The biggest problem for a criminal is undue stress. A criminal can suffer from enormous undue mental stress.
The next subject therefore is Stress. Stress is inner tension. There are two types of stress. There is physical stress and mental stress. Physical stress is tension resulting from physical pressure exerted on the body and mental stress is mental pressure causing some kind of tension in the body as well. Exchange is the cause of stress. Proper exchange will give the right amount of stress. Physical or mental stress becomes a problem when there is too little or too much of it. Both undue mental stress and undue physical stress are mainly caused by criminal exchange. Undue mental stress has also other causes.
From all this we can see that correct education will bring about proper exchange and proper exchange will cause the right amount of stress. Poor education therefore will cause criminal exchange and criminal exchange on its turn will bring about undue physical and/or mental stress. People find it hard to live with undue stress and therefore seek solutions to this problem. This brings us to our next subject.
The next subject is “drugs”. What solutions do we have for too much stress? We can take a holiday but we can’t do that every day of the year, can we? We cannot just stop working or throw our children into the garbage can, can we? So we take drugs. People revert to drugs to take care of undue stress and for no other reason. It does not matter whether it is too much mental stress or too much physical stress. The solution is the same. It isn’t a good solution because drugs can only alleviate stress temporarily. After the drug has worn out the stress comes back. You have to keep using drugs all the time. Sometimes stress can become so overwhelming that you need more and more drugs or stronger and stronger drugs. The pharmaceutical industry is making mega bucks on handling stress because we don’t handle what is causing it. What do you think these drugs do to your health?
We can divide the subject of health in two sections: mental health and physical health. Mental health is more important than physical health. Therefore our next subject is mental health.
We now know that after someone is poorly educated he will have trouble with exchange. This inevitably will cause undue stress. He now has to revert to some kind of drug to keep himself going. Whether or not he will take drugs he will eventually wind up being mentally less capable. The difference between the one using drugs and the one not using drugs is that the one using drugs will worsen faster in most cases. Most drugs are harmful to mind and body.
There are people that are so sick mentally that they cannot be educated. But in most cases people can be educated properly and when they are they have far less chance to become mentally ill. When people have become mentally ill they can be very difficult to cure. This is especially so when the main cause cannot be easily found or handled.
Mental health is a prerequisite for physical health as proper stress is a prerequisite for mental health. You need the right amount of stress to keep yourself mentally healthy. You cannot remain physically healthy when you are suffering mentally.
Mental health and physical health interact on each other as in fact all these subjects do. In humans the mental capacity is more important than the physical capacity. In animals this is a different story. Animals don’t have to think to survive. We do. That’s why mental health comes first. Physical health is therefore our next subject.
To improve your physical health while you are mentally depressed is very hard to do. But if you succeed in doing so you will improve mentally as well. When you improve yourself mentally your physical condition, as by magic, will improve. Maintaining mental and physical health has a lot to do with purpose and discipline. Without a purpose you have no discipline. Without discipline you have no purpose. To keep yourself mentally and physically in good shape you need to have something to live for. If you don’t have a purpose in life why would you want to remain or become healthy? The reason for health is the attainment of a worthwhile purpose.
This brings us to the next subject and that is leadership. The first thing a leader must have is a purpose. When he has a purpose, he then must have the discipline and capability to reach that purpose.
Leadership requires all former subjects to be in reasonable good shape. A good leader cannot be poorly educated. If he is he will exchange in a criminal way. Leaders build and direct organizations. Criminal leaders build and direct criminal organizations.
The subject of leadership is an interesting one. Leaders are the most influential people among us. What they do determines to a great extant the condition we are in. They are the creators of organizations. They reach their purposes through organization.
The subject of organization is therefore the next one in line. An organization consists of a group of people that work together for a common purpose.
There is a problem that can exist between leaders and the organizations they lead. This problem is that there can be people working in an organization who for some reason or other don’t agree with the leaders or the rules and purposes these leaders set out. Again the reason for this can very often be found in poor education.
For example someone poorly educated working in an organization causes criminal exchange. He is all stressed up because he gets into conflict with other workers who need to correct his mistakes continuously. His superior is on his neck and gives him a hard time. He starts using drugs to relieve the tension. He becomes mentally less aware and starts to make even more mistakes. After some time he becomes physically ill. He will blame all of his trouble and misfortune on the organization or the leaders of the organization. He disagrees with how things are organized etc. etc.. Sounds familiar? There can be other causes for such disagreements but faulty education is one of the main causes.
Poorly educated leaders are mostly responsible for disagreements in whatever company or organization. This even goes for a family. Father or mother having a hard time with the kids.
When leaders cannot make themselves understood you have disagreements among their workers. When leaders set out crazy rules or purposes you again have disagreements among their workers. Why would a leader make up crazy rules or purposes? Why would he be unable to make himself understood? The cause of this is not hard to find. The leader is poorly educated.
Disagreements cause organizations to fall apart. People that don’t understand things will disagree with those things. Disagreements are the downfall of each and every organization. When things are well organized toward the attainment of a worthwhile purpose there can be agreement among workers. Leaders can lead their organization without force or oppression. When organizations are poorly organized, leaders will resort to force and oppression to overcome disagreements. When oppression fails they will resort to mind control.
So the next subject is mind control. Leaders who lead poorly organized organizations will resort to mind control. Mind control is a far more powerful weapon then oppression is. Poorly educated people are susceptible to suggestion. When you are confused about something you are liable to accept any answer that comes your way. You will look for something to hold on to. The things you tend to hold on to when you are in a state of confusion are general statements you or others make about the confusion. These general statements don’t solve the confusion. What these statements do is they calm down the confusion. Your attention has been diverted to these statements. In fact one of these general statements might eventually take the place of the confusion. This is how people dream up solutions that defy all logic.
Do you want to become a leader? Ok. Here is how you can become a leader. First you locate a confusion that you know people worry about or talk about. Secondly you attract attention to that confusion. Some people will ask you what to do about it and you explain the confusion for them. When you do it right they will be inclined to except your ideas. When they do, they automatically will start to respect you and look up to you. You can now tell them what they can do about it and they will usually do it. This is how many groups are formed. This is how many true leaders were born.
People can also become leaders through the use of mind control. First they create or locate a confusion. Then they direct people’s attention on that confusion. When they have their attention on that confusion they use general statements to turn that confusion into a mystery. When people ask questions about their mystery they use other mysteries to clarify their mystery.
Mind control is replacing mystery for other mysteries. When a mystery is replaced by another mystery or other mysteries the end result is still mystery. The confusion is covered up by mysteries. In actual fact a mystery is a camouflaged confusion. Confusion rejects attention whereas mystery will attract attention. This way it has become very easy to control people. You have their attention; they will tend to agree with you; they will tend to think that they understand you.
What is mind control?
Definition 1:
When you influence someone’s mind to a point where you can control him without his agreement and to his own detriment you have mind control.
Definition 2:
Mind control, as we know it, is mainly used by army officers on their soldiers to make them fight or by intelligent agents on their victims to create other victims or by some psychiatrists on their patients to create more patients for political purposes or by religious fanatics on their parishioners to create more parishioners and fight disbelievers.
Definitions 3:
Mind control is a method used to create slavery.
When you look at “Definition 1” you could ask yourself:” Is there such a thing as positive mind control”? What if you influence a person’s mind for his own good? What if a little girl ran toward a hot stove in order to touch it and you couldn’t physically stop her in time. You would warn her and try to stop her verbally. You would try to control her mind so she wouldn’t touch the hot stove. Positive mind control, you could say. We don’t call this mind control but actually it is. We live in a world where most things are getting done through mind control. Continuously others are trying to control your mind. They try to influence your thinking in such a way that you do what they want you to do. The educator, the advertiser, the salesman, the clergyman, political leaders, the media, your mother, your father, and your friends all try to influence you’re thinking. When we take mind control in its broadest possible meaning it can be both good and bad. It all depends on what happens when you act on it.
You can only control someone’s mind on a topic he doesn’t fully understand. When you explain his confusions in such a way that he still doesn’t understand them you can make him do things you want him to do. If he asks for clarification you give it to him but in such a way that he will only partly understand it. You make sure your answer is not too specific. The more general your answer is the more you will be able to prevent understanding. If you keep doing this he will at a certain point not ask for further clarification and give up. When he gives up on you two things can happen. He rejects any further clarification or he will start to believe in you. When he starts to believe in you he will also start to respect you and this is how you create a blind follower that will do what you tell him to do.
Hence we have political leaders, religious leaders, generals, bankers, and reporters to name a few. They all have blind followers that do not think for themselves. They belief what their leaders want them to belief. It is the blind follower that has created the current mess we call civilization. Blind followers under the influence of blind leaders are perfectly capable to destroy any civilization. In fact blind followers destroyed every civilization in the past that has ceased to exist.
The last subject is the environment. The environment we live in is the product of mind control. Just think about this one for a while. How come we have brilliant technology but are utterly unable to prevent or handle environmental pollution? How come we allow our own food to be poisoned? The answer to that question is mind control creating blind followers.
The only solution for the environmental problems we have is to educate the whole of mankind without the use of mind control. The only workable solution to any of the problems we have with all of these subjects is to educate people with as less mind control as possible. You cannot handle everything without the use of mind control. You do have to use it in certain occasions. You use mind control on people that cannot think for themselves.
Proper education will prevent the existence of incapable leaders and their blind followers. We cannot improve things by concentrating only on incapable leaders. This will only create more chaos and more war. In all of history man has fought incapable leaders. It didn’t solve anything. Distributing vital information to those in need for it is the only way to improve things. Don’t underestimate its power. We can improve things here on earth beyond your wildest dreams but only when you and many, many others help distribute vital information.
To better understand the importance of the sequence in which the ten main subjects are presented we will put them in a scale. The highest point of this scale would then be education and the lowest point would be environment.
Take a look at the ten main subjects as they appear in a gradient scale.
1. Education
2. Exchange
3. Stress
4. Drugs
5. Mental Health
6. Physical Health
7. Leadership
8. Organisation
9. Mind Control
10. Environment
The ten main subjects are the ten main ingredients of a civilisation. They all are of equal importance. You must see them in their broadest possible meaning. Each of them, as they appear in a civilisation, can have a negative or a positive influence on that civilisation. You will find all ten subjects to a more or lesser degree in action in each civilisation no matter how primitive or how sophisticated they are.
The subject’s drugs and mind control to some extent differ from the other subjects. The more the other subjects become in balance with each other the fewer drugs will be needed and mind control will be far less in use. The more the other subjects go out of balance the more drugs will be used and the more leaders will have to revert to mind control. Drugs and Mind Control could be considered the safety valves of a civilisation. When we mess up on the other subjects we can use drugs or mind control or both to bring things back under control. When we make too much use of it we create a slave society.
World peace can only become a reality when mankind understands the 10 main subjects and is able to keep them in balance. They have to be brought in balance with each other. When this is accomplished we have world peace. This means that all ten elements have to contribute in a positive way. Each element in itself, when used in a negative way, has the potential to destroy a civilisation completely. It is doubtful whether balance between the 10 main subjects is attainable on this earthly domain. However striving for it and progressing toward it will produce more happiness than we can easily imagine.
You can use this scale on an individual level as well. Let’s take it from the bottom to the top. (10) You adjust your own environment. (9) You are influenced by other people. (8) You are always part of some kind of organisation. (7) To some degree you can be a leader no matter how small your responsibility is. (6) You need some kind of physical strength in order to accomplish what you want to accomplish. (5) You need to be able to think straight. (4) You might need drugs when you are too stressed up to function. (3) You need enough stress to keep yourself going. (2) Because you are part of a civilisation you need to contribute toward it which brings about the need for exchange. (1) You need to have some knowledge so you can exchange properly with your surroundings.
When you are doing well in life you use the scale from the top to the bottom. When you made a mess of your life you use the scale from the bottom to the top.
(1) (2) When you are doing well and you want to improve yourself you educate yourself so you can exchange in an even better way. (2) (3) When your exchange has become more efficient you will not suffer from too much stress. (4) You need fewer drugs or no drugs at all. (5) This will benefit your ability to think clearly. (6) All these points will help your physical health. You will feel more inclined to do those things that will keep your body healthy. (7) You can handle a greater responsibility and lead yourself and others toward a higher goal. (8) You will organize things in a way that will help yourself and others to attain a higher goal. (8) (9)
When you organise things well you will not have to influence people too much in order to get them to do what you want them to do. (10) You will wind up with a greatly improved environment.
When you messed things up completely use the scale from the bottom on up. (10) The first thing you have to do is to clean up the mess. Bring order in your immediate surroundings.
(9) The next thing you do is you reduce the influence of others. Find out if there are people upsetting you. Work it out with them so you will not fall back into confusion when you are in contact with them. When you cannot work it out ignore them. Sometimes you have to break with people completely. (8) Reorganise your life so it will not happen to you again. (7) Take your life back into your own hands. Act in a way a leader would act. (6) See a doctor if you became sick. Get your body fixed up if it is in need of repair. You will feel better and you will have more orderly thoughts. (5) Work on your mental condition if you know how to do that. (4) Start to use fewer drugs if you are taking them. (3) Find some kind of balance between action and inaction. Take some time off when you work to hard or get some more done if you have become too lazy. (2) When you got into a habit of criminal exchange it is now time to start to exchange in a more proper way. (1) Educate yourself so you can exchange better. Being at the top of the scale you start working toward the bottom again.
(1) (2) When you increased your abilities through education use these abilities to exchange in such a way that people can be proud of you and you can be proud of yourself. (3) Don’t overdo it. You don’t want to get into a situation of undue stress. (4) This way you will need less and less drugs to keep yourself going. (5) Start to think more positive as you have reasons to be more positive. (6) Work a bit more on your physical condition. Get your body in better shape. (7) (8) Is what you are doing really what you want to do? If not find a better purpose and reorganise your life in a way you can reach that purpose.
(9) Don’t allow others to talk you out of it unless they make sense. (9) (10) Finding and reaching a suitable purpose that you can belief in and your surrounding can live with should have a positive influence on your environment.
What if you are sort of a mediocre? You are not doing well but you are not doing so badly either. Where do you start on the scale? You start on that subject you are most obsessed about or you are most irrational about. Sometimes you need someone else to evaluate this for you as you might not be able to see what subject entangles you most. If the subject you are most stuck on is (5) or (6) or (7) or (8) or (9) you work towards (10) and then you go up the scale again towards (1). If the subject you are most stuck on is (4) or (3) or (2) you work towards (1) and then go down the scale again toward (10).
You can go up and down the scale as many times as it is necessary for you to have all of the 10 subjects in balance.
That is how you can use this scale to improve conditions. It gives you the right gradient approach. It tells you on what to concentrate next. Don’t skip a single subject. Make sure you always keep working on a subject until you feel satisfied that you reached an improvement on that subject. When you don’t seem to make much improvement on certain subjects you have to go back to the subject you feel you did make an improvement on. Continue with that subject and improve it somewhat more make it a noticeable improvement than continue from thereon.
Concentrating too much on one subject will cause you to become irrational on that subject and the other subjects as well. It’s all a matter of balance. Each subject in itself can become a total obsession. This can only happen with a subject that is totally out of balance with other subjects. You find many examples of this in our current civilisation. There are countless obsessions that people have on each of the 10 main subjects. In fact there isn’t one single obsession that cannot be linked to one or more of the 10 main subjects.
Education is the entrance point. No matter what your condition is you can always be educated toward an improvement of that condition, but only when you have a desire for improvement. When your desire to improve things is very weak or non existent it is no use to start a big education cycle. Education can always be done but some people are so confused or overwhelmed that the only education they respond to is education on subject 10. You might think they respond on other subjects but you should look at results only. Then you cannot be fooled. Proper education should improve conditions. If it doesn’t do that you are educating on the wrong subject.
Parallel with the scale of the 10 subjects there is the scale of conditions. The scale of conditions can be used to further clarify the scale of the 10 main subjects.
Scale of main subjects
1. Education
2. Exchange
3. Stress
4. Drugs
5. Mental Health
6. Physical Health
7. Leadership
8. Organization
9. Mind Control
10. The Environment
Scale of Conditions
1.0 Not Know –
1.1 Know +
2.0 Flowing In –
2.1 Flowing Out +
3.0 Unstable –
3.1 Stable +
4.0 Unaware –
4.1 Aware +
5.0 Misunderstanding –
5.1 Understanding +
6.0 Unfit –
6.1 Fit +
7.0 No Control –
7.1 Control +
8.0 No Duplication –
8.1 Duplication +
9.0 No Influence –
9.1 Influence +
10.0 Confusion –
10.1 Order +
The scale of conditions shows more clearly what cycles a civilisation goes through. There is a gradient scale between each two opposite conditions. The minus symbol shows the lowest point on the scale and the + symbol shows the highest point on that scale. We will now clarify each condition and how it relates to its respective subject.
Before a civilisation forms itself there is a condition of (1.0 Not Know -). By the process of education we come to (1.1 Know +). (1.1) Know on the scale of conditions simply means knowing how to do things. (1.0) Not Know than means not knowing how to do things. Without knowledge a civilisation cannot exist. Education brings a civilisation from a condition of (1.0) Not Know to a condition of (1.1) Know. When you (1.1) Know how to do things you can exchange with other people. Exchange usually starts with something (2.0) Flowing In towards you. Something has to come your way, be it an opportunity, an idea, some form of help, a chance or money. (2.1) Flowing Out will then be the next logical thing to do.
Together these four conditions culminate into (3) Stress. When you encounter a new activity and you come in action for the first time you will feel somewhat (3.0) Unstable. When you become more acquainted with that particular action you will feel more (3.1) Stable.
A civilisation is either on its way to become more (3.1) Stable or it is on its way to become more (3.0) Unstable. When a civilisation has reached a certain level of stability you will notice that it is pretty (4.0) Unaware of things outside its perimeter. Even when it is threatened by these things it is reluctant to deal with it. It is understandable that a civilisation reacts this way as it wants to maintain the level of stability reached. But it’s wrong.
A civilisation must be flexible not ridged. When a civilisation is afraid to change things and wants to hold on to what it has achieved it cannot become aware of danger or cannot rise to greater heights. The same could be said from an organisation or individual. The use of drugs in a civilisation is to keep it (3.1) Stable and to prevent awareness. A civilisation that wants to rise to greater heights must become more (4.1) Aware. Only by rising awareness on an individual level we can clear the (5.0) Misunderstandings and come to (5.1) Understanding. Man is an endangered species because he misunderstands his environment. This is the main cause of his (6.0) Unfit condition. He can only get (6.1) Fit when he does an effort to better understand his environment and act accordingly.
When man reaches a better understanding of his environment new ideas are formed and need to be broad into practice. This calls for leadership. Leadership brings a (7.0) No Control situation under its (7.1) Control. It does this by means of (8.1) Duplication. To put an idea into practice a leader works with his organization until he has handled all (8.0) Non Duplication and changed it into (8.1) Duplication. When he has attained full duplication of the idea and is able to duplicate it in the desired quantity he is a successful leader.
Above the leaders in a civilisation you have visionaries. They think up new ideas for leaders to execute. They can have great (9.1) Influence on a civilisation.
When they first launch a new idea they have (9.0) No Influence whatsoever. When they are able to fight their way through disbelief and gain recognition they can be the cause of great changes. Changes good or bad are the sole source of (10.0) Confusion. But (10.0) Confusion always settles down and will turn into (10.1) Order unless change is introduced into the situation too frequently.
You can use the scale of conditions in the same way as you can use the scale of subjects to improve things. When you use the scale of conditions from the bottom to the top or from a lower point to a higher point you should evaluate each time whether to use the positive or the negative item on the scale to improve things. Sometimes you first have to work on the positive item or the negative item on the scale or on the negative and positive item simultaneously.
When you use the scale of conditions from top to bottom to improve things you only need to work on an improvement of the positive items. The positive items are marked with a (+) and the negative items are marked with a (-). Negative doesn’t always mean bad and positive doesn’t always mean good. It is just a condition that is the opposite of another condition.
By using these two scales you can evaluate any situation and use the proper vital information to improve it.
When you use this information intelligently you can have quite an impact on situations you come across. Let me know what you think of it.