A VIPA can be anyone promoting Vital Info Products for a commission. Vital Info Products are products that live up to the standard of vital information.
The definition of vital information =
Information that offers possibilities to improve human relations and circumstances without creating too much damage to other life forms and nature in general.
A VIPA promotes Vital Info Products (VIPs) that improve conditions or circumstances that can be categorized under the following subjects:
1. Education
2. Exchange
3. Stress
4. Drugs
5. Mental Health
6. Physical Health
7. Leadership
8. Organization
9. Mind Control
10. The Environment
These are very broad subjects. There is a whole philosophy about these ten main subjects that you can read about on this website. You find it under the heading “vital info” in the menu. Just in case it might interest you.
Just to be crystal clear about this, at this very moment the VIPA is nonexistent. There are no active VIPA’s spreading vital info solutions to the problems associated with the 10 main subjects. For now this is just a new concept. That is all it really is.
There are companies that have products or services that can be classified as vital info products. It is not all that easy for companies to get these innovative products in the hands of the masses. There is a reason for this and it has to do with money.
Most companies are still stuck in the money game. They produce or sell products only for the sake of profit. Profit is their main yard stick. Whether these products are in any way harmful is only to their concern when their customers won’t buy them anymore.
For example, a weapon-company builds mass extinction weapons. What, do you think, would happen with that company if they would change their yard stick from profit to the definition of vital information? That would be the end of that company, wouldn’t it?
The business world will not change unless people make them change by not buying their products.
On the other hand, we don’t want businesses to collapse on a massive scale and thus putting all there employees out of work.
Therefore it is of paramount importance that people start to use Vital Info Products instead of harmful products.
When more and more people become aware of products that are less harmful to their health and the environment and gradually start buying these products companies will have to adjust and produce vital info products or go out of business. I am not suggesting here that this isn’t happening. It certainly is happening.
Take for example the pharmaceutical industry producing medication with all these harmful side effects knowing well there are natural remedies that produce the same results or even better results. More and more people, now a day’s, demand natural remedies. In other words vital info products. It is happening and it will continue to happen on a larger and larger scale.
The problem is that it isn’t going fast enough. We are still destroying the planet. Environmental pollution is everywhere. Solutions to these problems are existing but simply don’t find their way to customers fast enough.
If you care about your future on this planet, if you want your children to grow up in a world where they can thrive we need to come together and give the sources of vital information a hand.
We need a worldwide VIPA Network. That is what I am trying to convey here.
I hope you can see the importance of this. Please let me know what your thoughts are about this topic. Your feedback will be much appreciated.